Tuesday 26 July 2016

Berlin- the city with two zoos

As you will all know, Berlin was divided by the wall for many years and hence the city has lots of 'repeats' now that it is rejoined. Berlin has two zoos- Berlin Zoo and Tierpark. Since we arrived in the winter we decided to wait until the weather improved to check out the zoos. As you will find with most Berlin attractions there is the option of annual passes, for those who live here and plan on visiting at least 3 times in the year, the pass is already worth it. Even better than that, you can buy a day ticket and if you decide on the same day to do the pass you only pay the difference (your day ticket is used as credit to the annual pass) which means you can 'check it out' first before you decide to do the annual pass- BONUS! For those who are just visiting with kids always look for the family ticket option- you will usually find the price for two adults and upto 3 or 4 children will be the same price as two adults with one child (sometime there is the option of small family tickets, with one adult + kids). We cycled to the Berlin Zoo (it is more in the 'centre' of Berlin) and easily reached by bike, around 5km from where we live.

Berlin Zoo
We did the family day ticket (that also includes the Aquarium- another post for that!) and it cost €50. As we entered the zoo we were greeted with a little cake for each of us, the kids smiled from ear to ear. The zoo is very well kept, clean and beautiful flowers greet you all around. We already had the plan to do the annual pass, so we were in no rush to try and see the whole zoo in one day. We don't use the pram for Giulia anymore, so we need to take things slower so that they don't tire out too quickly and also Rafael was going to cycle home!

It wasn't a very nice day, as in it was looking like it was going to rain, the good thing is that it meant it wasn't packed full. It did indeed rain, however, once the rain passed it was fine and we managed to continue enjoying the zoo.

What the kids enjoyed was how close they could get, yet still be safe! :D

Check out the bear standing up behind them
The gorilla came right up behind Giulia
The Elephants

Look how close the kids could get!
By far Rafa's favourites- the funny butt Monkeys he calls them
Rafael and Giulia loved the funny monkeys- They call them the funny butt monkeys and they were really sweet, very interactive with the crowds watching and lots of babies being carried on the backs! The elephants also were very funny, they were throwing dust on themselves and also anyone close enough to watch, the kids thought it was great!

My cheeky monkeys! Remember to make outings fun!

The zoo has several feeding times so you can watch the animals being fed, but you need to organize yourself to be in the right place at the right time. We managed to see the Gorila's being fed lots of vegetables and laughed at how one of them grabbed his 'lot' and ran to hide in a corner to eat in peace! It was a treat to see the kids excited! On our first trip we decided to also watch the sea lion show, a smaller version of a Sea Life show hahahaha. It was full when we arrived, so if you want to have a great view or sit, then arrive early. The kids loved the show, it was of course in German, but you don't really need to know what they are saying, it's just fun to watch the sea lion do it's tricks and get fed lots of fish!
Sea Lion Show
Now with the annual pass we will try and go back and do other feeding times for the kids to watch!

There is also a petting zoo with goats and sheep, but it was being refurbished in time for the summer holidays, so we'll have to go back for that! 

However, even with all the animals, and there are lots, what my kids loved most was the playground and I've got to say, this is one of the best we've ever seen.  (remember it wasn't a really nice day, that's why it is quite empty in the first 4 photos...then we went back on a nice day and it was already busy) There is also a huge wooden boat to play in, but the photo wasn't great, so I'll have to get another one when we go back (which we have been!)

Hours of fun to be had here

Finally, the zoo has a few places to eat (you have 10% discount if you have the annual pass), debit cards can be used only over €10. There are a few ice cream trolleys around the zoo too. My tip if you have the annual pass- go after lunch and take a light snack, it will save you money!

Definitely a fun day out for the family with a great play area for the kids!!

Oh and to leave the zoo you have to pass through the shop- clever zoo! I, however, am an even cleverer mum and have trained my kids very well into looking and not buying hahahaha! But we still have fun!

Wolf boy and Zebra girl

We're making the most of our annual pass! Next post will be the other 'zoo' Tierpark!
This seems to be our theme photo for the zoo

Go on guys...better get walking if you want to get there before the end of the holidays! hehehehe

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